50 Years of Text Games: Errata

In the Main Book

In Further Explorations

If you find additional mistakes in the print or digital version of 50 Years of Text Games, please so I can list them here and correct them for future editions!

A note on links: the 50 Years book includes nearly a thousand references, many of which are to online content. Websites are unfortunately highly ephemeral, and even before the book's publication date many of these links had become dead. Keeping all these reference links updated in perpetuity is out of scope for me, but you can do what I did while researching, and make use of the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, which often will have captured a snapshot of the page before it went away.

This is a longwinded way of requesting that you not send dead links as errata (although if you find dead links on this website, please do let me know about them).
